Monday, February 1, 2010

Taco Soup & Guacamole (no, not combined)

Tonight's dinner was brought to you by the letter.....oh wait! Wrong channel! ;-)

Taco Soup (thanks to my amazing friend Sarah who first introduced this to me when she brought it to me after having had Brandon)
1 lb ground beef
2 1/2 cups water
1 can corn (drained)
1 can kidney beans (drained & rinsed)
1 packet taco seasoning
chopped onion (about 1/4 - 1/2 cup)
Cook and drain the meat. Combine all ingredients in a large pot and simmer until warm enough to eat! Top with sour cream and/or taco chips and/or frito chips...whatever!

Green-Green Guacamole (I used this recipe at

This recipe was actually what I used on my first attempt at guacamole, back a couple months ago. The second time around I didn't have any cream cheese so I used sour cream and I don't remember what else. I definetly like this recipe better - it's a bit more mild and creamy. Although I didn't mix it a ton so it was fairly chunky! Very yummy, nonethesless!

1 comment:

  1. Too bad Karl hates it so I never get to eat it anymore! He told me he liked it when we were dating, then the truth came out after we were married and I kept making it, LOL! He's not a huge chili fan either so I think it's too close to the same thing. Silly boy!! Invite me over next time you're making it :)


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